Hong Leong Yamaha Motor (“HLYM”) would like to confirm that one trainee of our Motorcycle Education & Training Academy (META) has tested positive for Covid-19 on 1st October 2020.

The trainee has not been on META premises since 1st October after feeling unwell and immediately went into self-quarantine. The trainee is now undergoing treatment.

Those who have been in direct contact with the trainee have started to self-quarantine for 14 days since 2nd October 2020. They will be undergoing further investigation as per the guidelines set by the Ministry of Health. We are in constant contact with them and will be providing support and guidance during this period.

We urge everyone to stay calm and only refer to information from credible official sources. In times like this, we need to be supportive, have empathy and understanding for those affected by this situation.

The health and well-being of our trainees, employees, customers and business partners are of the utmost importance to us.

The entire META area has been put through thorough sanitisation and disinfection immediately on 2nd October 2020.

Our office remains open and operates as normal, as per guidelines from the Ministry of Health. But as an additional safety precaution, we will not be receiving external visitors until further notice. We will continue to monitor the Covid-19 situation as it unfolds in Selangor and the nation.

We encourage all our trainees, employees and Yamaha community to take good care of their well-being, maintain a high level of personal hygiene and seek immediate medical attention if they are unwell.

Public health and safety are our collective responsibilities. Let’s keep each other safe.



Hong Leong Yamaha Motor (“HLYM”) mengesahkan bahawa seorang pelatih Akademi Pendidikan & Latihan Motosikal (META) kami telah disahkan positif Covid-19 pada 1 Oktober 2020.

Pelatih tersebut tidak berada di premis META sejak 1 Oktober setelah merasa tidak sihat dan telah segera memulakan kuarantin di rumah. Pelatih tersebut kini sedang menjalani rawatan dan pemantauan.

Sehubungan itu, mereka yang mempunyai kontak rapat dengan pelatih tersebut juga telah memulakan kuarantin untuk 14 hari sejak 2 Oktober 2020. Mereka juga akan menjalani ujian yang lebih lanjut mengikut garispanduan yang ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia. Kami terus berkomunikasi dengan mereka dan akan memberikan sokongan dan bimbingan dalam tempoh ini.

Kami menggesa orang ramai untuk bertenang dan hanya merujuk kepada maklumat daripada sumber rasmi yang dipercayai. Dalam keadaan ini, kita perlu memberikan sokongan  dan memahami mereka yang terkesan dengan situasi ini.

Kami amat mementingkan kesihatan dan kesejahteraan semua pelatih, pekerja, pelanggan dan rakan niaga kami.

Seluruh kawasan META telah segera melalui proses sanitasi dan pembasmian kuman pada 2 Oktober 2020.

Pejabat kami tetap dibuka dan beroperasi seperti biasa, mengikut garis panduan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia. Tetapi sebagai langkah keselamatan tambahan, kami tidak menerima kunjungan pelawat luar untuk sementara waktu. Kami akan terus memantau perkembangan Covid-19 di Selangor dan seluruh negara.

Kami menyeru semua pelatih, pekerja dan komuniti Yamaha untuk menjaga kesihatan, menjaga kebersihan diri dan segera mendapatkan rawatan perubatan jika tidak sihat.

Kesihatan dan keselamatan awam adalah tanggungjawab kita bersama. Jom, kekal selamat!

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